Isabelle Saubadu

Caker Crush

Isa (@isabellesaubadu) is a French born fashion designer who transforms vintage finds into incredible new pieces. The first time I met her I was so enamored by her grace, elegance and hotness; she has the BEST style and this air of just... bad ass-ness, but she's also incredibly warm. I popped round to her beautiful Venice home and hung out with her as she baked a Coconut Raspberry cake kit while Miriam Marlene captured the process on film. Thanks Isa! xxx

  • Can you write a short paragraph about yourself - you can talk about anything at all

    French transplant, clothing designer, mother living in Venice CA.
    Not everything needs to be complicated.
    I follow my instinct and listen to my intuition and let it guide me.
    I believe we are to do better and pollute less with fashion.
    I see beauty in metamorphosis and transformation. I believe in Individuality.
    I love what I do with passion, I rework and revamp pieces of clothing to give them a second life.

  • What are you watching, reading and/or listening to at the moment?

    The Book of Lymph from Lisa Levitt Gainsley.
    Listening to Donald Byrd as I write.

  • What was your birthday cake of choice as a child?

    Un Saint Honore.

  • What’s the dessert of your dreams? It doesn’t have to be one that you’ve already tasted or even one that exists.

    Something as simple and as delicious as fresh strawberry with creme fraiche. When it’s good, it just is.

  • What are your most cherished items of clothing/accessories?

    I would have to say my sunglasses.
    I always wear sunglasses, the light is too bright I need a filter lol.
    I also cherish 2 rings from a designer friend "All For The Mountain” that I’ve had for many many years  and that I wear on both pinky fingers. 
    They give me super powers lol.

  • Which textures/materials are you feeling at the moment when putting together an outfit?

    For me it is definetly more about how I feel but I would have to say the contrast of something delicate like a lace or sexy and fluid with something more structured or angular and masculine like a twill jacket or else.
    I feel both polarity strongly in myself and my mood dictate how I am gonna put something together.

  • What star sign are you and which traits from it resonate with you?

    I am a Capricorn with my moon in Taurus and rising Pisces precisely lol 
    -The goat that keeps climbing to the top of the mountain /our resilience and determination is something we can't explain
    -We just keep going no matter what
    -Our untamed rebel spirit 

  • Tell me about a dream you had recently!

    I woke up and can't remember it lol 
    But the feeling was strong and vivid

  • What does food mean in your family? Do you have fond memories of any specific dishes?

    Food is everything in my family.
    The sense of community and belonging. 
    The pleasures it evokes the memories it creates.
    Food is Love.
    I have a very fond memory and overload sensory of my mother profiteroles au chocolat.
    The hot melted chocolate over the cold vanilla ice cream the fresh puffs all so complimentary…..that hot /cold sensation, the balance, pure joy!

  • If you could raid the archives of one designer, dead or alive, who would it be?

    That is tough...
    There are so many that I admire and wish I could raid there ARCHIVE but if there was only one it probably would have to be Monsieur Yves St Laurent.
    His body of work, his vision and sensibility really revolutionized women’s fashion.